Solmondo is an independent european broker triggering competition among insurers to create the best opportunities for the insured.
Solmondo provides support to its clients on a daily basis. We evaluate the risks and define the needs in order to find the most suitable cover thanks to our in-depth knowledge of the appetite of each of the insurers.
This also helps encourage insurers to develop their products.
Solmondo structures a suitable solution with personalized follow-up and tailor-made, creative and innovative solutions.
Finally, Solmondo assists the insured in the claim management process.
Since 1999, Solmondo has gained the trust of many exporters, investors and bankers due to its innovative solutions.
Evaluating the risks and defining the needs
Solmondo, a specialised broker, endeavours to understand thoroughly insureds’ activities and business keys.
As an example, for exporters, Solmondo focuses on gaining in-depth knowledge of negotiation practices and production processes and any specificity in order to obtain the best conditions.
Solmondo elaborates an evidenced and well-argued request to present the risk to insurers, identifying latent risks, considering the different coverage options, prioritizing the decision criteria on the advisability and object of the cover.
Solmondo assesses forecast data with a secured, adjustable and a practical risk curve model in order to:
- Estimate the required capacity
- Optimize the premium calculation (cost-effective and convincing)
- Take into account any tailor-made element
Structuring a suitable solution
Solmondo’s acknowledged position in the insurance market enables us to offer efficient financial solutions and to find solutions even for very difficult cases, with very competitive premiums!
Essential when facing the numerous insurers of the market, Solmondo’s role is to foster competition, to seek the best conditions and to syndicate several insurers on a single policy.
Solmondo is able to offer the optimal policy, adapted to a particular need, thanks to its in-depth knowledge of each insurers’ appetite.
Solmondo prepares questionnaires to reduce the insured’s paperwork and finalises the suitable policies.
Solmondo adopts a resolute attitude to:
- Boost competition (price, coverage, structure) and exploit the last market developments
- Analyse and clarify the insurance policies clauses and negotiate costs for a better coverage
- Negotiate the terms of the agreements between banks and insurers
- Coordinate potential securities between lenders and insurers
- Maintain an acute supervision of the terms of contracts
- Adapt the wordings to account for contract specificities
A daily relationship with your broker Solmondo
Knowledge of the insured's products, their manufacturing and business model, as well as practices in contractual negotiation, acquired over time, ensures the quality of the information given to the insurers. This gives confidence to the insurers and allows them to carry out the best quotations.
Solmondo builds up a trust relationship both with the insured and with the insurer. The quality of this relationship allows us to convince the insurers to:
- offer the best quotations
- secure the quality of the provided information
- safely innovate (if needed)
- potentially use captives in optimization schemes

Providing personalized follow-up
To inform insurers about policies in progress and to guarantee an optimal compensation for the insured, Solmondo implements tailor-made solutions with a personalized follow-up in order to:
- Monitor ongoing risk exposures
- Adapt reporting to the insured’s information system
- Give instruments for the monitoring of ongoing projects
- Submit technical notes
- Inform and raise the awareness among the subsidiaries of the insured
- Draft technical notes about the organisation of periodical information
- Animate Methodology Workshops and training seminars with project and management teams
Claim management
Solmondo assists the insured in the claim management process as soon as the first warnings arise for optimal compensation in the shortest possible time frame: quick compensation, limited paperwork for the insured, ease of recovery after indemnity.
As soon as the loss occurs, Solmondo contacts insurers for a prompt determination of the date of loss. Insurers may in some cases provide valuable legal assistance in the management of litigation.
- The losses managed by Solmondo were all paid in full: Solmondo organised work sessions with its own lawyers at its own expense to prepare all the necessary documents.
- The payment of claims is a proof of the vitality of a young market and therefore a source of "pride" for this market.
- Mindful support for the insured is key to satisfactory claims management for the insured.
- The quality of the communication conducted by Solmondo is essential in the process of obtaining good results during the assessment of the claim because the insurers / the loss adjuster value the nature of the relationship built by Solmondo with the insured and his in-depth knowledge of operations.
Solmondo supports corporate risk management optimization.